Wednesday 12 January 2011

The Last of the Renders

The Final Render.

The Last Meal

Had our last get-together with the group today. Was a nice time to see what everyone had come up with.
Personally, i think the group worked fantastically. Only one of our 9 members failed to show/finish the animation. Others were slightly late, but got there in the end, and everyone really pitched in to get the job finished.
Myself and Kamil took the reins a little, to make sure that the group finished on time, as getting together initially was slow.
From the first group meeting we had, bashing about ideas, i really think that we all improved and slotted together into a decently functioning group. Apart from the one that didn't show, whom was the previous student that was 'negative and unmoving' in the design phase, we really pulled together and helped each other through.
In a way i wished there were a few more problems with the group dynamics, so then i had something constructive to say, and could learn from it. Perhaps this is a good sign for the future, that albeit late finishers, the projects will get completed, and look good together too.
Really enjoyed this one. Looking forward to the next.
Next and last post here is the final render of my piece of animation.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Blocking out...

I tricked myself into thinking my animation was final.
Seems it still needs some tweaking. There's no anticipation, and there's a jump (or two) that could do with some more 'build up'.
More juggling time :)

Sunday 12 December 2010


Almost finished this one.
Just finalising timings and effects.
Also, just wondering about a few niggling things with the actual animation. There's a few sections im not too keen on, but don't feel i should edit them and start all of the post effects again. Rendering too.

Monday 29 November 2010


Wall-E Sound Prt 1
Wall-E Sound Prt 2
Wall-E sound design special feature to the DVD. Some really ace effects and concepts.
Nice to see it's not 'audible wallpaper', but designed alongside, or before, the animation.

Fish Without Chips

- Animation without creative sound, is like fish without chips.
Wonderful! Watched a short news story on sound and vision from university of Plymouth.
Seemed interesting in it's information, though the two animations shown weren't too wonderful.
One Len Lye copy, and another that was just plain odd and kiddy.
(wonderful 'dead character' at 3:10 :D )
Vid Here

Sunday 28 November 2010


Here's a quick playblast of the main characters blocked in, and semi-tweaked.
I'm liking the overall speed and flow of the animation, and although without the music it looks a little slow and flighty, fits well with the track.
Will add a few more creations near the end (birds/bees etc) then possibly polish it a bit.

I really want to keep the whole animation very simple, and keep the 'blockiness' in the render.