Thursday, 4 November 2010

The first Team meet.

This was fantastic, such a great meeting, and a solid idea out of it.
The initial flow of conversation was mood, being something light and fun. We had similar mood boards, with landscapes, train rails and some had a vague Japanese feel (possibly through the title of the piece)
It's a real mish-mash group of people, which i was initially feeling apprehensive about, thinking that we might not get a creative flow going, and possibly too many, or too little ideas. It was the complete opposite, and they were a very creative and ;professional lot. Only one individual didn't connect fully, and another was quite negative and unmoving on their views, but it didn't stifle the flow of the idea.

The Idea:
The body of the idea is still 'journey', though this moved quickly toward a character going on an epic journey. The travelling later evolved as 'life' and ageing as the travel continued. This great idea of the groups' expanded into the full life of this character. From my suggestions of staying with a geometric shape, the group seemed to want something a little more interesting, and this character became a domino...gradually adding more spots throughout it's life. Because it's split into (now 9) sections, with 20 seconds to animate each, it's ambitious nature seems manageable. Though this could become our team's greatest failing.
There were also lots of lovely ideas flying alongside this; having the character grow a beard, having animals as dice, other characters' designs and colours for the characters and main character.
This is the main storyboard/idea sheet we used:

The Future:
The next meet is planned for monday, and we've agreed that everyone bring in a short storyboard of what they want to show in their 'section of life' (which was vaguely pre-planned), and we can discuss transitions and themes, technical difficulties etc. We've also agreed to get the design under-way, and for members of the team to design the main character, or others, to see where we are with mood and individualism, and trying to establish a main character that's fairly consistent throughout.

Let's hope it all goes to plan :)

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